Tips for Restrictive Eating Disorders


Uploaded on Jul 14, 2021

PPT on Tips for Restrictive Eating Disorders



Tips for Restrictive Eating Disorders

Tips for Restrictive Eating Disorders What Are Eating Disorders? • The term eating disorders represents a group of complex mental health conditions that can seriously impair health and social functioning Source: REASONS BEHIND RESTRICTIVE EATING DISORDERS Fear of negative consequences of eating • Although patients in this category restrict food because they are afraid to eat, they do not have body image concerns and are not afraid of weight gain. • The fear of eating may be direct or indirect (e.g. the patient worries that he might vomit or have an allergic reaction if he eats). Source: Low appetite or disinterest in food • Struggles with anxiety or depression may also cause feeding issues that result in impairment and/or medical compromise; some children lose their appetite in response to feeling scared, stressed, or unhappy. Source: Avoidance of food based on sensory characteristics • Patients in this category struggle primarily with food variety; they are often extremely selective (picky) regarding the food that they consume. • Their histories of food refusal usually date back to an early age. They often have sensory hypersensitivity that results in profound rigidity involving food. Source: Risks & Complications • Co-occurring anxiety disorders • Failure to gain weight (children) • Gastrointestinal complications • Malnutrition • Weight Loss • Developmental delays Source: Warning Signs • Avoidance of particular foods, based on texture, color, taste, smell, food groups, etc. • Frequent vomiting or gagging after exposure to certain foods • Difficulty chewing food • Lack of appetite • Trouble digesting specific types of foods Source: Treatment • In children and adolescents, insufficient nutrition that results in weight loss or poor growth is associated with significant medical and psychological complications, and as such should be treated aggressively. • This is especially true for a young person who has fallen off his or her growth curve. Source: Other Healthcare professionals who can help • occupational therapists • developmental pediatricians • gastroenterologists • psychologists • psychiatrists • adolescent health physicians Source: Conclusion • Managing restrictive eating disorder requires patience because it may be challenging for a doctor to figure out the cause. • As doctors do not yet have clinical guidelines to follow, it may take time to establish an effective treatment plan. Source: