Uploaded on Apr 29, 2022
PPT on Non-Fungible Token( NFT ).
The Ultimate Guide to Non-Fungible Token( NFT )
The ultimate guide to Non-fungible token( NFT ) What Is NFT? An NFT is a type of d ig i ta l token that i s created through blockchain technology. As a dig i ta l asset , th is token is not avai lable in a phys ical form. Source: unblock.net 2 Digital tokens NFTs are d ig i ta l tokens that are unique. They can’ t be interchangeable which means that each NFT has the character ist ics that set i t apart f rom al l other tokens. NFTs are often used to represent unique assets , such as col lect ib les or d igi ta l ar t . Source: unblock.net 3 What it represent? They represent part icular ownership of an asset , such as land, inte l lectual property, art , or even another NFT. NFTs can be stored on b lockchains and used to ver i fy the transfer of digi ta l assets between users . Source: govisafree.com 4 Cryptographic assets NFTs can have diff erent attr ibutes f rom other NFTs in the same category; however, they share some s imi lar i t ies too (e .g. , each NFT co in represents something) . NFTs are cryptographic assets bui l t on a blockchain wi th metadata and unique ident ifi cat ion codes that separate them from each other. Source: govisafree.com 5 Benefit NFTs can he lp connect ar t is ts with prospect ive audiences. As blockchains are involved, NFTs can also be used for ident i ty management. As a result , t ransact ions can be s impl ifi ed, and new markets can be created. Source: govisafree.com 6 NFT market At the moment, the NFT market i s centered on col lect ib les , which inc lude rar i t ies , sports cards , and artwork. Source: govisafree.com 7 Classification NFTs can be c lass ifi ed into three main types: • NFTs that represent real -wor ld assets inc lude artworks and col lect ib les • NFTs for c reat ing v i r tual objects may inc lude in- game i tems or d ig i ta l assets • NFTs for identi ty management can be used, for example, to ver i fy the age of a person Source: govisafree.com 8 Digital Art NFTs that represent digi ta l art , inc luding but not l imited to drawings and paint ings, are part of h igh- profi le auct ions where NFTs have been sold for mi l l ions of dol lars . NFT-based artworks are usual ly created using p lat forms such as Ni fty Gateway and SuperRare. Source: govisafree.com 9 Games CryptoKi t t ies , a game bui l t on the Ethereum blockchain, i s one of the most popular NFT games. The game al lows users to breed and col lect dig i ta l cats. The value of some CryptoKi tt ies has reached $100,000. Source: govisafree.com 10 Music NFTs can also represent music . For example, in 2019, NFT startup Audius ra ised $55 mi l l ion in a Ser ies A funding round. The company uses NFTs to t rack and distr ibute roya lt ies to art is ts . Source: govisafree.com 11 Thank you 12