Ultimate Guide on Quantum Computing


Uploaded on Jul 15, 2022

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PPT on Quantum Computing.

Category Technology



Ultimate Guide on Quantum Computing

ULTIMATE GUIDE ON QUANTUM COMPUTING INTRODUCTION Quantum Computing is a new paradigm of algorithmic study which extends quantum mechanical phenomena to the world of traditional computing. In 1982, Richard Feynman proposed an initial quantum computer, which would have the capacity to facilitate traditional algorithms with quantum circuits. Source: towardsdatascience.com ABOUT QUANTUM PHENOMENA To understand systems of electrons and to navigate the multiple independent probabilities of electron location based on quantum phenomena, Feynman envisioned the concept of a quantum computer; he believed that quantum computers could ideally simulate quantum behavior as it would have occurred in nature. Source: towardsdatascience.com WHAT ARE QUANTUM COMPUTERS? Quantum Computing is the field that integrates quantum mechanical phenomena into a computing device. Quantum computers use properties like superposition and entanglement to perform computation. Source: towardsdatascience.com HOW DO THEY WORK? Quantum information is data for quantum states which is utilized for the study of computational manipulation. This quantum information is processed in the form of “qubits”. Qubits can be thought of as the computational analog for bits and are the fundamental units of information for quantum computing. Source: towardsdatascience.com QUANTUM REGISTERS In a quantum computer, quantum registers are simply considered to be systems of multiple qubits. It is the quantum analog of a classical computing register. All quantum calculations are performed by manipulating qubits within the register. Source: towardsdatascience.com QUANTUM GATES We know that classical computers manipulate bits through logic gates. Logic gates essentially transform the value that a bit holds. They are the building blocks of any digital system. Logic gates are used with truth tables to create transformations of state in classical circuits. Source: towardsdatascience.com INSIDE A QUANTUM COMPUTER The main component of the machine — the superconducting processor — consists of a transmon qubit (uses supercharge and maintains qubit control without noise) and Josephon junctions (allows supercharge to flow through the machine). Source: towardsdatascience.com APPLICATIONS Well, we know that quantum computers are great because of their properties like superposition and entanglement. However, it is important to realize that we live in a quantum world and that quantum computers will allow us to better simulate the behavior of nature, down to a molecular level. Source: towardsdatascience.com TAHNK YOU