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The Ultimate Guide to Search Engine Marketing(SEM)
The Ultimate Guide to SEM (Search Engine Marketing) What is SEM? Search engine market ing, or SEM, is the use of pa id ads on search engine result pages, or SERPs, to gain new customers. Most search engines use some form of SEM. SEM is a lso known as paid search ads, paid advert is ing and pay-per-c l ick , or PPC. 2 Source: www.indeed.com How does SEM work? SEM works by populat ing paid ads at the top of SERPs re lated to keywords entered into the search engine by the consumer. SEM ads only appear when a consumer has searched for keywords set to t r igger that ad. 3 Source: www.indeed.com How does SEM work cont. Companies manage the ir SEM ads through a search engine 's SEM s i te . For most search engines, th is involves creat ing an account through which a l l ads can be managed as wel l as part ic ipat ing in ad auct ions to guarantee your ads are populat ing searches. 4 Source: www.indeed.com SEM keyword research I t i s important to research keywords re lated to your ad campaign to maximize your company's revenue opportuni t ies. Keywords are words or phrases consumers use in search engines to fi nd products, serv ices and informat ion. 5 Source: www.indeed.com SEM Strategy SEM strategy comes down to opt imiz ing paid search ads wi th a specifi c goal in mind. In order to create a good strategy, you must understand how paid ads p lat forms works and eff ect ive ly manage var iables that aff ect per formance such as keywords, budget , and copy. 6 Source: blog.hubspot.com BENEFITS Instant brand awareness Consumers wi l l see your company's ad on the fi rst SERP. 8 Source: www.indeed.com Quick revenue generation I f your ad is eff ect ive, you may see immediate revenue. There is no lag t ime between placement and purchase. 9 Source: www.indeed.com Sustainable growth You control how large or smal l your SEM campaign is . I t is easy to scale up or down depending on your bus iness 's needs. 10 Source: www.indeed.com Targets the right consumer Ads are se lected based on keywords. You know that the consumer is interested in your product or serv ice because they searched for i t . 11 Source: www.indeed.com