Uploaded on Jun 30, 2021
PPT on The Underground Lakes on Mars.
The Underground Lakes on Mars.
The Underground Lakes on Mars Introduction • Liquid water is refreshingly abundant on moons in the outer solar system, but it has proven surprisingly tough to find in reliable quantities on Mars until now. Source: www.nationalgeographic.com 2 Radar scans of the red planet • Radar scans of the red planet suggest that a stable reservoir of salty, liquid water measuring some 12 miles across lies nearly a mile beneath the planet’s south pole. Source: www.nationalgeographic.com 3 Mars’s ancient oceans • If confirmed, the buried pocket of water could answer a few questions about where Mars’s ancient oceans went, as well as provide a resource for future human settlements. Source: www.nationalgeographic.com 4 Frozen Time Capsule • The radar signals originally interpreted as liquid water were found in a region of Mars known as the South Polar Layered Deposits, named for the alternating layers of water ice, dry ice (frozen carbon dioxide), and dust that have settled there over millions of years. Source: mars.nasa.gov 5 Radio waves • Radio waves lose energy when they pass through material in the subsurface; as they reflect back to the spacecraft, they usually have a weaker signal. • But in some cases, signals returning from this region’s subsurface were brighter than those at the surface. Source: mars.nasa.gov 6 Unexpected ‘Lakes’ • The analysis revealed dozens of additional bright radar reflections over a far greater range of area and depth than ever before. • In some places, they were less than a mile from the surface, where temperatures are estimated to be minus 81 degrees Fahrenheit. Source: mars.nasa.gov 7 Halophiles • The lakes' salinity is of particular relevance to the life question. Terrestrial microbes that thrive in very salty conditions are known as halophiles. • But studies have shown that bugs can tolerate more extreme salinities when temperatures are higher, and colder temperatures when salinity is lower. Source: mars.nasa.gov 8 Existence of Life at Mars • There is ongoing research into whether life could survive in conditions like those in the lakes on Mars. • Doctors said: "Salt in very high concentrations is not very friendly to life." Source: mars.nasa.gov 9 Criticism on Research Paper • There had been criticisms of the 2018 paper, with some researchers proposing that the main lake could be the result of an exceptional situation, such as the presence of a volcano under the polar cap heating ice from below. Source: mars.nasa.gov 10 THANK YOU 11