Uploaded on Aug 23, 2021
PPT on Virtual Reality.
Virtual Reality
VIRTUAL REALITY What is Virtual Reality? ■ Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment. Unlike traditional user interfaces, VR places the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen in front of them, users are immersed and able to interact with 3D worlds. Source: www.lenovo.com VR gaming devices and accessories ■ Participants both experience and influence the game environment through a variety of VR gaming devices and accessories, including VR headsets, sensor-equipped gloves, hand controllers, and more. Source: www.lenovo.com Specialized game consoles ■ Virtual reality games can be played on standalone systems, specialized game consoles, or using advanced laptops and PCs that can power the leading VR headsets such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Lenovo Mirage Solo. Source: www.lenovo.com DIFFERENT TYPES OF VR GAMES VR Games on Pcs and Laptops ■ Games played on high-end computers provide the most detailed virtual environments and game options. ■ Popular VR headsets for PCs and laptops in late 2018 include Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and our own Lenovo VR headset, Lenovo Explorer. Source: www.lenovo.com VR Games on Game Consoles ■ These games are similar to those played on PCs but work only with game consoles from specific manufacturers. A leading example is the PlayStation VR headset/platform. Source: www.lenovo.com VR Games on Smartphones ■ For mobile VR gaming, smartphone manufacturers are introducing their own headsets, controllers and games (VR, AR, and MR). One such headset/platform is the Gear VR. Source: www.lenovo.com VIRTUAL REALITY GAMING ACCESSORIES VR Gaming Headsets & Goggles ■ The most important VR gaming accessory is the one you wear on your head to immerse yourself in the game. The headsets/goggles category is expanding rapidly. Source: www.lenovo.com VR Game Controllers ■ A VR controller translates your physical actions into game performance. Like traditional video games, most VR games utilize hand-based controller (joystick, gamepad, or even gloves) for pointing, firing and sending commands. Source: www.lenovo.com VR Gaming Gloves ■ Sensor-equipped VR gaming gloves have enabled a new level of detail in today's newest VR games. ■ Whereas VR motion detectors can sense broad, whole-body movements, VR gloves enable the detection of minute hand and finger movements. SSoouurrccee:: wwwwww..lleennoovvoo..ccoomm