Wildlife Conservation and Its Importance


Uploaded on Jul 18, 2022

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PPT on Wildlife Conservation.

Category Education



Wildlife Conservation and Its Importance

WILDLIFE CONSERVATION AND ITS IMPORTANCE WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Wildlife conservation can be defined as the practice of protecting animal species and their habitats. Which includes protecting both the animals and their habitat. Source: www.globalteer.org IMPORTANCE OF WILDLIFE CONSERVATION BIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is one important issue. Reduction in numbers of one animal interrupts the eco system and the natural food chain, and leads to the threat of other species. Source: www.globalteer.org RELEASE SUFFERING Animal conservation can be important to relieve suffering for animals because they are kept captive. Examples of this is the use of elephants in South East Asia for tourism. Likewise, the use of orangutans in Indonesia for boxing shows. In addition to the suffering cause to the animals, these activities create sharp population decline for the species. Source: www.globalteer.org HUMAN NEEDS Reduction in numbers of one animal can also have a chain effect on other species that are important to human beings. All animals play an important role in the eco system. The loss or reduction of certain species can have a flow on effect; including an affect on human food and water source that are critical to our survival. Source: www.globalteer.org WATER AND AIR Keeping the eco system in balance helps providing with clean air and clean water that we all benefit from, people and animals. Source: www.globalteer.org MEDICINAL VALUE Although plants are the major sources of medications, some animals are also vital in the production of medications. For example, the venom from cobra is an important ingredient in making the medications for leprosy while lobsters can be used as antifungals. Source: www.conserve-energy- future.com AESTHETIC BENEFITS Watching animals in their natural habitat is not only fun but also relaxing. People always go for holidays in areas under conservation such as zoos, game parks, lakes, oceans, forests, and mountains for activities such as camping, fishing, boat riding, and hiking just to mention a few. Source: www.conserve-energy- future.com PROMOTES TOURISM ATTRACTION Countries with the largest portion of wild animals are known to attract a bigger number of tourists, which is the case in regions such as the Amazon and countries such as Tanzania, Costa Rica, Kenya, Brazil, Thailand, and South Africa. Source: www.conserve-energy- future.com PROTECTING ECOLOGICAL STABILITY AND BALANCE Conserving fauna and flora encourages ecological stability and balance in the world. The plants, for example, play an important role in ensuring a healthy ecosystem by balancing carbon dioxide and oxygen in the environment. Source: www.conserve-energy- future.com