Apply TM or LR Tm (1)


Uploaded on Dec 27, 2019

A trademark is a visual symbol that can be a word, name, numbers, label, color combination, etc used by business to distinguish it services or products from other same goods or services which are made in different business.



Apply TM or LR Tm (1)

Let us look at the most common business assets listed to see what types of Intellectual can protect be protected. Intellectual Property Assets Business name Your business name may also be your trademark. Your business name is the name under which you manage the business. It may also be an Intellectual Property asset of your company. If you use your business name to distinguish your products and services from those of your opponents, your business name is also serving as your trademark Brand names or logos Your brand name and logo are your trademarks. A brand name or logo is how consumers recognize your products and services in the marketplace. As your products and services start growing reputations, your brand value rises. Brand names and logos are Intellectual property assets (trademarks) meriting protecting. Registering your trademark provides you 15 years of independent rights to use it, and you can renew it regularly, as long as you are still using the trademark Website content Your original website content is protected through copyright Your product and service information, videos, podcasts, and articles are all important business assets. This content can be protected by copyright. Owning copyright means you can restrict others from copying your original material Product information Your original product info is protected through copyright Written material about your products and services is an important business asset. This content can be protected by copyright. Owning copyright implies you can check others from copying your original material Secret formulas Secret formulas are considered trade secrets and are helpful business assets. There is no means to register your trade secrets, but to keep their business value, trade secrets should remain secret. In some cases, you can get a patent for a formula of ingredients. This gives the benefit of offering you registered protection for the life of the patent. Invention If you have invented a new product with different functionality, it may be IP that can be protected through a patent. If your product invention is valuable, new and innovative, view applying for patent protection. Patent rights allow you, the owner, up to 20 years to restrict others from composing, using or selling your invention.