LR patent search


Uploaded on Dec 25, 2019

Patent searching is a key tool for companies over the globe, which is presently often sensitive to innovation as a parameter to success and germination. and Follow our Facebook page



LR patent search

LEGALRAASTA 5 RULES FOR A QUALITY PATENT [email protected] H om 8750008585 Before you start to conduct a patent search yourself, here are 5 rules that you must follow, for these rules assist to enhance the quality of your search – 1... Experience the technology well and locate all the areas where it could be applied. This is possibly one of the most vital steps. Ask yourself the questions like central idea behind patent, significance, faults in existing patent etc. 2... Find all the synonyms and linked technical terms that could be practised. 3... Follow a linear to a broader approach. Begin with targeted logics, short keywords, maybe the same as the ones used in your subject patent. See a few patents, begin creating a list of keywords, of phrases and of generic thoughts that are linked. 4... Try to find that out, create a technology development timeline. Think what would have people used in the 90s and what can be used today? Replace the old technology with the new technology name and words. 5... If you find a patent to be extremely relevant, try to reach its file wrapper, check all the references, and legal events. These things will assist you to understand the commercial potential of your invention and will assist you to find prior art as well.