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After the process of patent registration, one gets intellectual property right to an invention carried out by an individual or a firm. In case it is unique, the government will grant you the full right for your product. https://www.legalraasta.com/patent-registration/. Like and Follow our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/LRaasta/
Patent in India
Requirements of Getting a The following requirements are Patent in India necessary to get your invention patented in India Patentable According to the Patents Act, section 3 and 4 Subject contains the list of non-patentable subject matter. Your invention should not fall under this list. Matter Inventive or The subject matter you wish to get patented Non- should not be obvious to experts in the field. That is, it should be technologically advanced or Obviousness economically profitable to be patented. The invention should be new and innovative. And Novelty so, it should not be used in public domain or elsewhere around the globe. Industrial Finally, this invention should be practical and Applicability usable in the industries or public domain.