Things to know about Singapore trademark Registration


Uploaded on Dec 27, 2019

It is recommended to do a trademark search before submitting applications to evade likely trademark infringement and non-refundable application fees.​ Like and Follow our Facebook page



Things to know about Singapore trademark Registration

Things to know about Singapore trademark Registration Before It is recommended to do a Applying trademark search before for submitting applications to evade likely trademark Trademark infringement and non- in refundable application Singapore fees. All goods or services must be filed Goods and concerning the classes of goods and Services services under the Nice Classification. There are 45 classes Classificati of trademark registration and the on applicant needs to pic the category according to his requirement. Registrable A trademark can be a logo, sign, Trademarks names, symbols, letters, words, signatures, numerals, devices, brands, in labels, shapes, colours. It must be Singapore unique within a similar classification. Identifying Registered A trademark can be a logo, sign, names, symbols, letters, words, Trademark signatures, numerals, devices, brands, in labels, shapes, colours. It must be unique within a similar classification. Singapore Predicted It takes 4 - 6 months to Processing obtain application status from the trademark Time registrar in Singapore. Provision of  A registered trademark is vulnerable to cancellation if it has not been used for 5 Non-Use years following the registration date.