Uploaded on Dec 25, 2019
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TRADEMARKCART TRADEMARK SYMBOLS AND THEIR USAGES [email protected] www.trademarkcart.com Discussion Outline Topics to be Covered ™ SYMBOL R SYMBOL C SYMBOL SM SYMBOL TM SYMBOL This symbol is for unregistered trademarks. It informs others from copying your logo, name or symbol. It does not give you TM copyright protection, and others can apply your logo or name in case your application gets denied. R SYMBOL You receive the R symbol the moment you fi le the R trademark application for egistration. This type of symbol assists protects the trademark from getting copied by others. C SYMBOL The C symbol stands for contents which do not have any copyright issues. The symbol is C necessary for many countries for copyright claims. SM SYMBOL The service industry applies SM this symbol. The symbol is suitable for classes from 35 to 45. It never assures protection upon copyright issues.