
Uploaded on Dec 25, 2019

We are India's largest investment platforms having a wide range of AMC's to buy or invest in mutual funds online | Become mutual fund distributor. https://www.wealthbucket.in/#. Like and Follow our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/wealthbucket/




z India's Top Investment Portal TYPES OF MUTUAL FUNDS z Based on Structure  Open-ended Scheme- Offers unit for sale without naming any duration for redemption and they sell and repurchase schemes continuously.  Close-ended Schemes- In this scheme, the redemption period is specified. Once the units are marketed by mutual funds, then any transaction takes place in the secondary market only i.e. stock exchange and price are defined by forces of the market. z Based on investment objectives  Growth Fund: It gives capital appreciation over the medium to long- term. Such schemes usually invest a significant part of their corpus in equities and have high risk.  Income Funds: Funds that invest in medium to long-term debt instruments issued by private companies, banks, financial institutions, governments, etc.  Balanced Funds: These funds give both growth and regular income as these schemes invest in debt and equity.  Money Market Funds: Money market invests in short-term i.e. maturing within 1-year interest-bearing debt instruments. z Based on Special Schemes  Industry-Specific Schemes: Industry Specific Schemes invest only in the industries defined in the offer document. The investment of these funds is limited to particular industries like Infotech.  Index schemes: In these schemes, the funds raised by mutual funds are invested in shares forming the Stock Exchange Index.  Sectorial Schemes: Sectorial funds are those mutual funds that invest in a particular sector of the market. They invest in shares belonging to a particular sector which provides them fewer diversification opportunities.